AUTHOR=Benoit Audrey , Bodnar Michael , Malla Ashok , Joober Ridha , Lepage Martin TITLE=The Structural Neural Substrates of Persistent Negative Symptoms in First-Episode of Non-Affective Psychosis: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study JOURNAL=Frontiers in Psychiatry VOLUME=3 YEAR=2012 URL= DOI=10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00042 ISSN=1664-0640 ABSTRACT=

Objectives: An important subset of patients with schizophrenia present clinically significant persistent negative symptoms (PNS). Identifying the neural substrates of PNS could help improve our understanding and treatment of these symptoms. Methods: This study included 64 non-affective first-episode of psychosis (FEP) patients and 60 healthy controls; 16 patients displayed PNS (i.e., at least one primary negative symptom at moderate or worse severity sustained for at least six consecutive months). Using voxel-based morphometry (VBM), we explored for gray matter differences between PNS and non-PNS patients; patient groups were also compared to controls. All comparisons were performed at p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons. Results: PNS patients had smaller gray matter in the right frontal medial–orbital gyrus (extending into the inferior frontal gyrus) and right parahippocampal gyrus (extending into the fusiform gyrus) compared to non-PNS patients. Compared to controls, PNS patients had smaller gray matter in the right parahippocampal gyrus (extending into the fusiform gyrus and superior temporal gyrus); non-PNS patients showed no significant differences to controls. Conclusion: Neural substrates of PNS are evident in FEP patients. A better understanding of the neural etiology of PNS may encourage the search for new medications and/or alternative treatments to better help those affected.